The dog days of summer are here, and it’s HOT. With temps will into the 90’s and extremely high humidity levels, most homeowners naturally close up their homes and get their AC units pumping.
But wait, before you switch on these energy-eating, electric bill-destroying appliances, try some of these simple cost-effective techniques.
When Should You Open Your Windows?
While we are not recommending opening windows in the middle of a 90-degree summer day, we do suggest opening up your home on cool summer evenings. Keep in mind heat rises, so opening all windows may not be as effective as just opening a few. If you have a 2-story home, only open the windows on the lower level, preferably windows that get a nice natural breeze.
If your home is positioned in a way that does not get a breeze, try using a hi-efficient window fan to help push the cool air through. It is also important to turn on ceiling fans. While these fans do use electric, the usage is significantly lower than AC units.
2. Minimize Sun Rays From Windows
We all love to wake up to see the sun shining, however sun rays that directly hit your windows are the #1 culprit of heating up your home. While this can be a good thing in the winter months, not so much when it comes to keeping your home cool in the summer.
The first obviously solution is to make sure you shut blinds and curtains on your windows. If this will make your home too dark, try just closing these window treatments on the windows that are directly hit by sunrays.
Exterior options such as awnings or tall shrubs/trees can also make a huge impact on keeping these sunrays out.
3. Is Your Home Properly Insulated?
Why is insulation so important? It keeps your unwanted heat/cold from outside away and helps keeps the temperatures in your house comfortably stable. If your home is not insulated properly or has leaks, this tremendously affects the temperature within your home.
One area of your home that can lead to largest leaks is your attic. Attics can get very hot in the summer and if your ceiling is not properly insulated, this heat will infiltrate your entire home.
4. Use Your Air Conditioning Efficiently
We understand that you may live in an area where the temperatures are just unbearable. In these cases, using Air Conditioning is a necessary. However, ensuring your unit is efficient will help save you money on your summer electric bills.
If you have an old unit, considering upgrading to a new efficient unit. While this may be pricey initially, it will save you hundreds/thousands long term.
Be smart when it comes to setting your thermostat. Set your thermostat to go up a few degrees when you are at work or on vacation. It also might be as simple as retraining your brain to what “cool” means. If your use to setting your thermostat to 72 degrees, maybe try increasing to 74. If you don’t notice a difference, you just saved your self some $.
While the summer heat can be exhausting, you should appreciate it. After all, it won’t be too much longer until you start complaining how cold it is outside.